Class Discipline Plan

Classroom Dicipline Plan

Class Rules

  1. Keep hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself.
  2. Always walk in the building and follow hallway rules.
  3. Treat others with respect.
  4. Listen and follow directions immediately (in and out of the room).


  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Move clothespin from green to yellow: 5 minutes of time-out from workstations.
  3. Move clothespin from yellow to red: 10 minutes of time-out from workstations.
  4. Note sent home to parent
  5. Principals office

******Daily behavior will be recorded in your child's folder. Please take time each night to check your child's behavior and initial that you have looked over it. Thank you!


Class Points System--- Class Store

Each student will have a chart with their name on it. I will give points each day throughout the day for the students